Engineer Ecole Centrale de Lyon,
PhD University Lumiere Lyons 2.
CNRS Researcher.

« More recently, Dominique Adresses the issue of the links between transport policy and Culture and Ways of Life »

Dominique Bouf is senior Researcher (CNRS) at the LET (transportation Economics Laboratory) located in Lyons, France. Prior to joining the CNRS, he worked for the Dutch Ministry of Transportation and for RATP (the Parisian Urban Transportation Company). He lived two years in Africa and carried out several researches on African transportation issues. More recently he addressed the problems of railways regulation through studies for French Government, SNCF (the French railways operator) European Commission (as the leader of the LET’s participation to the project Improverail), or the OECD, with a report on Yardstick competition. He set up a co-operation with the University of Tongji (Shanghai) on China’s railways reform and has been responsible of a research on long term prospects for Chinese transportation (China in 2050).

He has visited UC Berkeley (ITS, January to December 1997) and the University of Sydney (ITLS, august 2005-july 2006).



BOUF Dominique, Pierre-Yves Péguy, Is yardstick competition desirable for European Railways ? International Journal of Transport Economics. 2001.

BOUF Dominique. Open Access, Vertical Separation and Infrastructure Charging Systems : Railroad and Railways. Global Business and Economics Review. 2002. pp. 310-321.

ZHANG Rong, BOUF Dominique. How can competition be introduced into Chinese railways ? Transport Policy. Transport Policy, Volume 12, Issue 4, July 2005, Pages 345-352

Published Report

BOUF Dominique, LEVEQUE Julien. (2006) « Yardstick Competition for Transport Infrastructure Service”. In : ECMT. Round Table 129, Paris. ECMT. (OECD Publications).

Book chapter

Bouf D. et Zhang Rong, (2006) “le transport ferroviaire en Chine, un goulet d’étranglement durable ? » in Lassere F. (ed.), l’éveil du dragon, Presse Universitaire du Québec. pp. 53-74.

Conference proceedings

ZHANG Rong, Bouf Dominique, Railway reform in China between Europe and America, International Conference on Inter-city transportation, nov. 2002, Intercity transportation, , Beijing China railway publishing house. vol 2 pp 587-596

ZhANG Rong, BOUF Dominique. Chinese railways at a cross road. Competition and Ownership in land passenger transport (Thredbo 9). Elsevier. 2004.pp. 343-356.

BOUF Dominique, PEGUY Pierre-Yves. Croissance économique et infrastructure de transport : quelles relations ?. In : SITRASS. Mobilité et systèmes de transport en Afrique subsaharienne : les défis de la pauvreté – Actes du séminaire SITRASS 7, 22, 23 et 24 mars 2004, Saly Portudal (Sénégal). 2004. pp. 405-423. ISBN 2-908558-21-4.

Invited paper

JOLY Iragaël, BOUF Dominique, CROZET Yves. The travel time paradox hypothesis : foundations and perpectives. In : Symposiun International. Urban Mobilities, The research issues in China and abroad, 9-11 oct. 2004, Tsinghua University, Beijing, Chine. 2004. Published in Chinese in the urban planning review of Tongji University..