Dans la tradition de la collection des Études et Recherche, le LAET propose désormais ses Working Papers. Ils concernent tous les publiants du LAET, les chercheurs et les doctorants.
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Diffuser plus rapidement les résultats d’une recherche ;
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Liste des Working Papers du LAET
2025/01 | Florent Laroche, Kseniya Schemeleva. The Effect of public financial incentives on the supply of long-distance carpooling services: the case of France. 2025. hal-05013724
2024/04 | Nicolas Fabre, Florent Laroche, Louafi Bouzouina. Predicting satisfaction of railways users: the role of perceived evolution of the service and on-board activities. 2024. hal-04663573
2024/03 | Yao Wang, Guillaume Monchambert. Does subsidy increase carpooling usage? The case of short-distance carpooling in France. 2024. halshs-04540642
2024/02 |Alain Bonnafous. A new theoretical approach to highway tolls: a Jules Dupuit toll. 2024. halshs-04426303
2024/01 | Alix Le Goff, Guillaume Monchambert, Martin Koning. Effects of numerical platforms and matching characteristics on individual choices and social welfare: the case of short-distance carpooling. 2023. halshs-04406375
2023/03 | Christian Desmaris, Didier van de Velde (2023). La remunicipalisation des transports publics urbains en France. Combien et pourquoi ?. 2023. halshs-04221839. | Publié : Local Government Studies, 2024. ⟨10.1080/03003930.2024.2324773⟩. ⟨halshs-04512567⟩
2023/02 | Guillaume Monchambert. Pricing of myopic multi-sided platforms: theory and application to carpooling. 2023. halshs-03980205
2023/01 | Thierry Blayac, Patrice Bougette, Florent Laroche. What Drive HSR’ Prices and Frequencies? An Analysis of Intermodal Competition and Multiproduct Incumbent’s Strategies in the French Market. 2023. halshs-03934485
2022/04 | Florent Laroche, Stéphanie Souche-Le Corvec. Could spending time in an AV be similar to travelling on a train ? Lessons from the literature. 2022. halshs-03813529
2022/03 | Florent Laroche. Goodbye monopoly : the effect of open access passenger rail competition on price and frequency in France on the High-Speed Paris-Lyon Line. 2022. | Publié : Transport Policy, 2023, ⟨10.1016/j.tranpol.2023.09.019⟩ ⟨halshs-03770508⟩
2022/02 | Léa Fabre, Caroline Bayart, Patrick Bonnel, Nicolas Mony. The Potential of Wi-Fi Data to Estimate Bus Passenger Mobility. 2022. halshs-03721297 | Publié : Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2023, 192, pp.122509. ⟨10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122509⟩. ⟨hal-04204990⟩
2022/01 | Florent Laroche. Effect of the COVID 19 on long distance transport services : case of France. | Publié : Regional Science Policy & Practice, 2022, 14 (S1. Special Issue : Covid-19, Transport and Mobility), pp. 41-60. ⟨10.1111/rsp3.12534⟩. ⟨halshs-03522931⟩
2021/02 | Mathieu Gardrat, Pascal Pluvinet. Markov based mesoscopic simulation tool for urban freight : SIMTURB. 2021. halshs-03284321
2021/01 | Christian Desmaris, Guillaume Monchambert. Regional Passenger Rail Efficiency : Measurement and Explanation in the case of France. | Publié : Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Volume 57, Part 1, January 2023, pp. 22–58 . ⟨halshs-03118747⟩
2020/04 | Charles Raux, Amandine Chevalier, Emmanuel Bougna, Denis Hilton. Mobility choices and climate change : Assessing the effects of social norms, emissions information and economic incentives. | Publié : Research in Transportation Economics, Elsevier, 2020, pp.101007. ⟨10.1016/j.retrec.2020.101007⟩. ⟨halshs-03045959⟩
2020/03 | Charles Raux, Ayana Lamatkhanova, Lény Grassot. Does the built environment shape commuting ? The case of Lyon (France). 2020. halshs-03010833.
2020/02 | Alix Le Goff, Guillaume Monchambert, Charles Raux. Values of Time for Carpool Commuting with HOV lanes : A Discrete Choice Experiment in France. 2020. halshs-02988756
2020/01 | Florent Laroche, Ayana Lamatkhanova. Exploring effects of competitive tender for users in the regional railway market : evidence from Europe. | Publié : International Journal of Transport Economics, Fabrizio Serra editore, 2022, XLIX (1), pp.33-53. ⟨10.19272/202206701002⟩. ⟨halshs-02930832v2⟩.
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