Gardrat M.
Observing urban freight transport actors’ interactions: Studying the construction of public policies.
10th International Conference on City Logistics,
Phuket Island (Thailand), June 14-16, 2017.
Communication dans un congrès international
Baraklianos I., Bouzouina L., Manout O., Bonnel P.
Firm location choice determinants of the new and the relocated establishments. Does accessibility still matter?.
54th Colloquium of the ASRDLF and the 15th Conference of the ERSA-GR « Cities and regions in a changing Europe: challenges and prospects », Panteion University,
Athens (Greece), July 5-7, 2017.
Communication dans un congrès international
Bayart C., Bonnel P.
Mixed-modes surveys and data comparability issues: a French case study.
11th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods,
Esterel, Québec (Canada), September 24-29, 2017.
Communication dans un congrès international
Bayart C., Bouzouina L.
Combining web-based travel survey and smartphone app data collection.
7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA),
Lisbon (Portugal), July 17-21, 2017.
Communication dans un congrès international
Ben Mokhtar S., Boutet A., Bouzouina L., Bonnel P., Brette O., Brunie L., Cunche M., D 'alu S., Primault V., Raveneau P., Rivano H., Stanica R.
PRIVA'MOV: Analysing Human Mobility Through Multi-Sensor Datasets.
NetMob 2017,
Milan (Italy), 2017/04/05-07.
Communication dans un congrès international
Bonnel P., Fekih M., Smoreda Z.
Origin-Destination estimation using mobile network probe data.
11th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods,
Esterel, Québec (Canada), September 24-29, 2017.
Communication dans un congrès international
Bouscasse H., Bonnel P., Joly I.
Measuring psychological variables in ICLV models: an application on interurban mode choice.
11th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods,
Esterel, Québec (Canada), September 24-29, 2017.
Communication dans un congrès international
Coulombel N., Monchambert G.
Diseconomies of scale in public transport - When the Mohring effect ends.
ITEA 2017. Annual School and Conference of the International Transportation Economics Association,
Barcelona (Spain), June 21-23, 2017.
Communication dans un congrès international
Damette O., Jawadi F., Parent A.
Overview on Taylor rule Modeling with Switching Models à la Teräsvirta.
Session “Nonlinear Dynamics, In the Honor of Prof. Timo Terasvirta”, 3rd International Workshop on “Financial Markets and Nonlinear Dynamics” (FMND),
ESSCA Campus Paris (France), June 1-2, 2017.
Communication dans un congrès international
Desmaris C.
The HSR competition in Italy: how are the regulatory design and practices concerned?.
Thredbo 15 - 15th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport,
Stockholm (Sweden), August 13-17, 2017.
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