Raux C., Zoubir A.
Who are bike sharing schemes members and do they travel differently? The case of the Lyon’s “Velo’v” scheme.
14th World Conference on Transport Research (14th WCTR),
Shanghai (China), July 10-15, 2016.
Communication dans un congrès international
Souche-Le Corvec S., Zhao J.
Transport and emotion: the contribution of neuroscience.
Society for Neuroeconomics' Annual Meeting,
Berlin (Germany), August 28 – 30, 2016.
Communication dans un congrès international
Zittoun P.
Meaning War in the policy process.
24e Congrès mondial de science politique. La politique dans un monde d'inégalités,
Poznań (Pologne), 23 - 28 juillet 2016.
Communication dans un congrès international
Bastidon C., Parent A.
A Topology of World Equity Markets, 1960-2015.
48th Money, Macro and Finance Research Group Annual Conference - MMF2016,
University of Bath (UK), September 7-9, 2016.
Communication dans un congrès international
Raux C.
Personal mobility choices and greenhouse gas emissions: which incentives are effective for mitigation?.
BEHAVE 2016, 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency,
Coimbra (Portugal), September 8-9, 2016.
Communication dans un congrès international
Souche-Le Corvec S.
Why do respondents give non responses to the income question?.
63rd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International,
Minneapolis (USA), November 9-12, 2016.
Communication dans un congrès international
Zittoun P.
Understanding the domestication of wicked problem in the political agenda setting.
APSA Conference,
Philadelphia (USA), September 1 - 4, 2016.
Communication dans un congrès international
Baraklianos I.
Does the measure of accessibility influence residential location choice modelling results? Evidence from Lyon urban area.
NECTAR Cluster 6 and Regional Science Academy meeting on “Geolocalized Data and Accessibility: Benefits and Threats”,
Marne-la-Vallée (France), June 2-4, 2016.
Communication dans un congrès international
Baraklianos I., Bouzouina L., Bonnel P.
Does the measure of accessibility influence residential location choice modelling results? Evidence from Lyon urban area.
hEART 2016 - 5th symposium,
Delft (The Netherlands), September 14 - 16, 2016.
Communication dans un congrès international
Bayart C., Bonnel P.
Mobility behaviour comparison in a mixed-mode survey using a Hurdle model. Application to the phone and online household travel survey in the Rhône-Alpes region.
14th World Conference on Transport Research (14th WCTR),
Shanghai (China), July 10-15, 2016.
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