
Les plus récentes du laboratoire

2666 publications correspondent à vote recherche.

Borgnat P., Guinard B., Jensen P., Parent A. (2016). Public Debt and Economic Growth through History: Explorations with Complexity Tools. Xème édition du Colloque international de Rabat, Commerce, Investissement et développement durable, Programme des chaires de l’OMC ; United Nations, Economic Commission for Africa, Faculté des Sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales, Souissi Rabat (Maroc), Octobre 27-29, 2016.

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Bouzouina L., Bayart C., Bonnel P. (2016). The impact of accessibility and urban form on young adults modal choice: Searching for the missing factors. 14th World Conference on Transport Research (14th WCTR), Shanghai (China), July 10-15, 2016.

Communication dans un congrès international

Chèze C. (2016). Are there wider economic impacts of transport infrastructures? A perspective from both economic and project governance veiwpoints. NECTAR Cluster 6 and Regional Science Academy meeting on “Geolocalized Data and Accessibility: Benefits and Threats”, Marne-la-Vallée (France), June 2-4, 2016.

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Crozet Y. (2016). Appraisal methodologies and the limits to speed gains. 14th World Conference on Transport Research (14th WCTR), Shanghai (China), July 10-15, 2016.

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Bonnel P., Smoreda Z., Hombourger E., Olteanu-Raimond A.-M. (2016). Potential of « passive » mobile phone dataset to construct origin-destination matrix. 14th World Conference on Transport Research (14th WCTR), Shanghai (China), July 10-15, 2016.

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Bouscasse H., Joly I., Peyhardi J. (2016). Estimating travel mode choice based on a new family of regression models. 14th World Conference on Transport Research (14th WCTR), Shanghai (China), July 10-15, 2016.

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Bouzouina L., Jarboui S. (2016). Impact of pricing system on urban public transport efficiency: Evidence from France. 14th World Conference on Transport Research (14th WCTR), Shanghai (China), July 10-15, 2016.

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Cascajo R., Diaz Olvera L., Monfort Salvador V., Monzon A., Plat D., Ray J.-B. (2016). Impacts of the economic crisis on daily mobility. The case of Spain. 14th World Conference on Transport Research (14th WCTR), Shanghai (China), July 10-15, 2016.

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Chèze C. (2016). Wider economic impacts of high-speed rail: example of agglomeration benefits assessment on Bretagne Pays de Loire high speed rail project. 14th World Conference on Transport Research (14th WCTR), Shanghai (China), July 10-15, 2016.

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Crozet Y. (2016). Rail freight development in Europe: how to deal with a doubly-imperfect competition?. 14th World Conference on Transport Research (14th WCTR), Shanghai (China), July 10-15, 2016.

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