Mercier A.
From spatial to social accessibility: How socio-economic factors can affect accessibility?.
44th European Transport Conference (ETC),
Barcelona (Spain), October 5-7, 2016.
Communication dans un congrès international
Mercier A., Comte X., Ovtracht N., Faivre d’Arcier B.
Congestion in urban areas: a difficult trade-off between financing and accessibility?.
14th World Conference on Transport Research (14th WCTR),
Shanghai (China), July 10-15, 2016.
Communication dans un congrès international
Mercier A., Comte X., Ovtracht N., Faivre d’Arcier B.
Congestion in urban areas: a difficult trade-off between financing and accessibility?.
56th ERSA Congress,
Vienna (Austria), August 23-26, 2016.
Communication dans un congrès international
Ndong-Etroit M.
La construction narrative du territoire métropolitain : Un jeu d’acteurs.
CIST2016 – En quête de territoire(s) ? / Looking for territories?,
Grenoble (France), 17-18 mars 2016.
Communication dans un congrès international
Limon T., Crozet Y.
Risk analysis and high speed rail projects in France: introducing economic slowdown into appraisal methodologies.
14th World Conference on Transport Research (14th WCTR),
Shanghai (China), July 10-15, 2016.
Communication dans un congrès international
Mercier A.
Historical perspective of the willingness to commute: the example of the Lyon metropolitan area since the 70’s.
1st International Conference on “Cliometrics and Complexity” (CAC),
ENS Lyon (France), June 9-10, 2016.
Communication dans un congrès international
Mercier A., Souche S., Chevalier A., Ovtracht N.
Évaluation de l’impact environnemental de scenarii de tarification automobile sur la Métropole lyonnaise.
5ème séminaire francophone est-ouest de socio-économie des transports,
Shanghai (République Populaire de Chine), 10-15 juillet 2016.
Communication dans un congrès international
Morana J.
Barriers and dangers of traceability.
RIRL 2016. International Meeting on Logistics Research) conference,
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) (Suisse), September 7-9, 2016.
Communication dans un congrès international
Ndong-Etroit M.
The weight of discourse on scales and spaces: the case of transport policy in the Metropolis of Lyon and Marseille.
Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA 2016), 11th International Conference,
University of Hull (United Kingdom), July 5-7, 2016.
Communication dans un congrès international
Ndong-Etroit M., Khallouki D.
Local elected representatives in social mobilization: what about their argumentative strategy?.
24ième Congrès Mondial de Science Politique,
Poznan (Pologne), 23-28 juillet 2016.
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