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2666 publications correspondent à vote recherche.

Raux C., Chevalier A., Bougna E., Hilton D. (2015). Mobility Choices and Climate Change: Assessing the Effects of Social Norms and Economic Incentives through Discrete Choice Experiments. 94th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington DC (USA), January 11-15, 2015.

Communication dans un congrès international

Raux C., Chevalier A., Bougna E., Hilton D. (2015). Mobility Choices and Climate Change: Assessing the Effects of Social Norms and Economic Incentives through Discrete Choice Experiments. 32èmes Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée (JMA), Montpellier (France), 4 et 5 juin 2015.

Communication dans un congrès international

Parent A., Caggiano G., Castelnuovo E., Damette O., Pellegrino G. (2015). Is Liquidity Trap a Feature Common to Large-Scale Financial Crises?. Large–scale Crises: 1929 vs 2008. International Conference, Ancona (Italy), December 17-19, 2015.

Communication dans un congrès international

Parent A., Damette O. (2015). Was there a Liquidity Trap during the Great Depression”, Session ‘Liquidity traps and quantitative easing. 32nd International Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance, Nice - Sophia Antipolis (France), June 11-12, 2015.

Communication dans un congrès international

Patier D., Routhier J.-L., Serouge M., Toilier F. (2015). Les nouvelles Enquêtes Nationales Marchandises en Ville : Ile-de-France – Bordeaux 2010-2014 - Vers un renouvellement de la connaissance du TMV. 52ème colloque de l’Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF). Territoires méditerranéens : agriculture, alimentation et villes, Montpellier (France), 7-9 juillet 2015.

Communication dans un congrès international

Raux C. (2015). Mobility choices and climate change: assessing the effects of social norms and economic incentives through discrete choice experiments. Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Toulouse (France), September 8–9, 2015.

Communication dans un congrès international

Raux C. (2015). Who are bike sharing schemes members and how they travel daily: the case of the Lyon’s “Velo’v” scheme. hEART 2015 conference, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 9-11, 2015.

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Routhier J.-L., Patier D., Serouge M., Toilier F., Gardrat M. (2015). Comment enquêter les mouvements de marchandises en Ile-de-France ? Réalisation d’une typologie des communes parisiennes. 52ème colloque de l’Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF). Territoires méditerranéens : agriculture, alimentation et villes, Montpellier (France), 7-9 juillet 2015.

Communication dans un congrès international

Souche-Le Corvec S. (2015). Transport and emotion: the contribution of neurosciences. hEART 2015: 4th symposium arranged by European Association for Research in Transportation, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 9-11, 2015.

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