
Les plus récentes du laboratoire

2666 publications correspondent à vote recherche.

Crozet Y. (2011). High speed rail and interurban mobility: Who are the winners?. 2nd Conference Realizing the Vision of a high speed rail system in California: Connecting people while fostering prosperity, smart growth and sustainability, Berkeley (USA), May 2-3, 2011.

Communication dans un congrès international

Antoniazzi F. (2011). Infrastructure pricing and capacity investment in the case of PPPs. Scientific Seminar SIDT 2011: Energy, environment and innovation in sustainable transport systems, Venice (Italy), October 6-7, 2011.

Communication dans un congrès international

Bonnel P., Nicolas J.-P. (2011). SIMBAD Mobility Simulation for a Sustainable Conurbation. IDDRI Workshop, Land Use and Transport Interaction Models, Paris (France), février 2011.

Communication dans un congrès international

Brahimi F., Morana J., Bonet D. (2011). Compétences de la main-d'œuvre locale en Algérie et management de projets nationaux : le cas de l'autoroute Est-Ouest. International Finance Conference 6, Hammamet (Tunisie), 10th to 12th March 2011.

Communication dans un congrès international

Browne M., Allen J., Nemoto T., Patier D., Visser J. (2011). Reducing social and environmental impacts of urban freight transport: A review of some major cities. 7th International Conference on City Logistics, Mallorca (Spain), June 7-9 2011.

Communication dans un congrès international

Bussière Y., Ravalet E., Barrieau P. (2011). Tourisme et politiques de transport soutenables: le cas de Puebla au Mexique. 48ème Colloque de l'Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF) : Migrations et territoires, Schœlcher (France), 6-8 juillet 2011.

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Crozet Y. (2011). CBA and rail network extensions in France: From schizophrenia to therapy. Contemporary Issues in CBA in the Transport Sector, Stockholm (Sweden), March 16, 2011.

Communication dans un congrès international

Diaz Olvera L., Plat D., Pochet P. (2011). An insight of daily mobilities in West and Central African cities. ECAS 4 - 4th European Conference on African Studies, Panel 79. Transport System Development and Increasing Circulations in Western Africa: Which Perspectives for Whose Interests?, Uppsala (Sweden), June 15-18, 2011.

Communication dans un congrès international

Godward E., Holvad T., Antoniazzi F. (2011). The use of frontier analysis to test railways technical efficiency in Europe. 1st Graduate Transport Regulation Seminar (GTRegS), Florence (Italy), May 24-25, 2011.

Communication dans un congrès international

Guihéry L. (2011). Road pricing : a new perspective ; acceptability, tolling strategies, communication. Conference on Applied Infrastructure Research (InfraDay), Berlin (Germany), 7 Oktober 2011.

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