Didier P.
Difficulties in mobility and inequalities for health care access in Madagascar rural areas.
59th ERSA Congress. Cities, regions and digital transformations: opportunities, risks and challenges,
Lyon (France), August 27 – 30, 2019.
Communication dans un congrès international
Bouzouina L., Zoubir A.
To what extent the public transport accessibility affects the students’ modal choice?.
59th ERSA Congress. Cities, regions and digital transformations: opportunities, risks and challenges,
Lyon (France), August 27 – 30, 2019.
Communication dans un congrès international
Bouzouina L., Lamatkhanova A.
The impact of the French sensitive urban zones ZUS on the location choice of economic activities – Lyon Urban Area case study.
59th ERSA Congress. Cities, regions and digital transformations: opportunities, risks and challenges,
Lyon (France), August 27 – 30, 2019.
Communication dans un congrès international
Bayart C., Bonnel P., Paulo C., Méret-Conti A.-E.
How to combine CAPI and CAWI: application to the Paris travel survey.
8th Conference of the. European Survey Research Association (ESRA),
Zagreb (Croatia), 15th-19th July 2019.
Communication dans un congrès international
Adam M., Mestdagh L.
Du visible à l'invisible. Le principe ségrégatif au prisme de la notion de frontière.
Penser les frontières, passer les frontières, AISLF et CENS,
Nantes (France), 12 - 14 décembre 2019.
Communication dans un congrès international
Adam M., Mestdagh L.
L’invisibilisation des classes populaires dans l’urbanisme contemporain, une forme singulière de disqualification.
Approches critiques de la dimension spatiale des rapports sociaux, UMR ESO et Groupe JEDI (Labex Futurs urbains),
Caen (France), 26-28 juin 2019.
Communication dans un congrès international
Adam M., Collard A.-L., Cottet M., Morardet S., Rivière-Honegger A., Vaudor L.
A cycle route to enhance the heritage and landscape of a territory: for which users and to what effect? The case of the Rhône River.
American Associaton of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting 2019. Critical Vélomobilities 2: Space, Landscapes, and Policies,
Washington, DC (USA), April 3-7, 2019.
Communication dans un congrès international
Bayart C., Havet N., Bonnel P., Bouzouina L.
Young people and the private car: a love-hate relationship.
59e congrès annuel de la Société canadienne de science économique (SCSE),
Québec (Canada), 8 mai 2019 au 10 mai 2019.
Bayart C., Havet N., Bonnel P., Bouzouina L.
Young people and the private car: a love-hate relationship.
36èmes Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée (JMA),
Casablanca (Maroc), 6-7 juin 2019.
Baraklianos I., Bouzouina L., Bonnel P., Aissaoui H.
Renters vs owners. What is the evolution of the residential location choice preferences for accessibility? The case of the Lyon urban area in France, 1999-2013.
hEART 2019 - 8th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation,
Budapest (Hungary), September 4 - 6, 2019.
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