Gardrat M., Cordier A.
Un concept de mesurer de nouvelles pratiques : Le découplage de l’achat et de la récupération des marchandises.
10ème Colloque francophone sur les sondage,
Lyon (France), 24-26 octobre 2018.
Communication dans un congrès international
Gardrat M.
La prise en compte de la mobilité urbaine des marchandises dans les stratégies d'aménagement : marginalisation, normalisation et incohérences.
1ères Rencontres Francophones Transport-Mobilité (RFTM),
ENTPE (France), 6-8 juin 2018.
Communication dans un congrès international
Gardrat M.
Urban growth and freight transport: beyond logistics sprawl and towards a distension?.
3rd VREF Conference on Urban Freight Designing urban space and managing flows – the importance of freight for liveable cities,
Gothenburg (Sweden), October 17-19, 2018.
Communication dans un congrès international
Baraklianos I., Bouzouina L., Bonnel P.
La mesure de l’accessibilité influence-t-elle les résultats de la modélisation des choix de localisation des ménages ?.
1ères Rencontres Francophones Transport-Mobilité (RFTM),
ENTPE (France), 6-8 juin 2018.
Communication dans un congrès international
Baraklianos I., Bouzouina L., Manout O., Bonnel P.
To what extent do location choices of new and relocating economic establishments differ in terms of preference for accessibility?.
58th ERSA Congress “Places for People: Innovative, Inclusive and liveable Regions”,
Cork (Ireland), August 28-31, 2018.
Communication dans un congrès international
Abord de Chatillon M.
The bicycle as an object: cycling at the boundary between transportation and consumption.
1st Annual Meeting of the Cycling Research Board (CRB),
Amsterdam (Netherlands), November 14-16, 2018.
Communication dans un congrès international
Baraklianos I.
Accessibility and trade-offs of the location choices of new and relocated economic establishments in knowledge-intensive sectors. Evidence from Lyon urban area.
ERSA winter school. Structural change, innovation, competitiveness and regional development in a Service Economy,
Lille (France), January 22-26, 2018.
Communication dans un congrès international
Baraklianos I., Bouzouina L., Bonnel P.
Temporal transferability of firms’ location choice models with emphasis on accessibility.
Nectar Workshop,
Lyon (France), June 18-19, 2018.
Communication dans un congrès international
Baraklianos I., Bouzouina L., Manout O., Bonnel P.
To what extent do location choices of new and relocating economic establishments differ in terms of preference for accessibility?.
hEART conference,
Athens (Greece), September 5-7, 2018.
Communication dans un congrès international
Bastidon C., Bordo M., Parent A., Weidenmier M.
A Network Analysis of Financial Globalization: 1885-2017.
Session, “The Webs of Shadow. Financial Networks during the First Globalization”, XVIII World Economic History Congress,
MIT, Boston (USA), July 29 - August 3, 2018.
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