
Les plus récentes du laboratoire

2605 publications correspondent à vote recherche.

Lamatkhanova A., Grassot L., Raux C., Charmes E. (2018). Formes urbaines et comportements de mobilité en France : Au-delà de la densité. 1ères Rencontres Francophones Transport-Mobilité (RFTM), ENTPE (France), 6-8 juin 2018.

Communication dans un congrès international

Laroche F. (2018). Which outlooks for the European rail freight market?. 16th Florence Rail Forum – Improving European Rail Freight, Florence (Italy), 7th of May, 2018.

Communication dans un congrès international

Laroche F. (2018). Assessing competition in the European rail freight market: is there an oligopoly?. 4th Edition IJTE award for the best young researcher, Genova (Italy), 18th of June, 2018.

Communication dans un congrès international

Laroche F., Grassot L., Monchambert G. (2018). Which train timetable and frequency to minimize user’s scheduling cost? A theoretical approach including round trips. ITEA 2018. Annual School and Conference of the International Transportation Economics Association, Hong Kong, June 25-29, 2018.

Communication dans un congrès international

Laroche F., Lamatkhanova A., Grassot L. (2018). Exploring the effects of inter- and intra-modal competition on prices and frequencies in the regional railway market: evidence from Europe. LPT Workshop. Procurement design of local public transport services, Roma (Italy), November 15-16, 2018.

Communication dans un congrès international

Laroche F., Lamatkhanova A., Grassot L. (2018). Exploring the effects of inter- and intra-modal competition on prices and frequencies in the long distance railway market: evidence from Europe. Florence Conference on the Regulation of Railways, Florence (Italy), November 16-17, 2018.

Communication dans un congrès international

Lejoux P. (2018). Co-working spaces: a new hope to achieve sustainable urban mobility?. 2018 AESOP Annual Congress, Gothenburg (Sweden), July 10-14, 2018.

Communication dans un congrès international

Leviaux P. (2018). What Kind of Evolutionary Theory Do Economists Need? An Essay on Competition, Selection and Evolution in Economics and Biology. Colloque International “La théorie économique est-elle utile ?, Sciences Po Lille (France), September 06-07, 2018.

Communication dans un congrès international

Lohou A., Bouzouina L., Bonnel P. (2018). Intégration des rythmes de vie dans la modélisation des choix modaux des étudiants lyonnais. 1ères Rencontres Francophones Transport-Mobilité (RFTM), ENTPE (France), 6-8 juin 2018.

Communication dans un congrès international

Laroche F., Sys C., Troch F., Vanelslander T. (2018). Market regulation analysis on the European rail freight market. Workshop on Brain-Trains project, Brussels (Belgium), 30th of August, 2018.

Communication dans un congrès international