BOIRON Félicien

PhD student in political science, focusing on the study of public transport policy-making, with a particular emphasis on understanding the role of expertise.


Understanding the Development of Free Public Transport in France

Thesis Title: Free Public Transport: A New Public Policy Paradigm or Contingent Measures?

Thesis Supervisor: Philippe Zittoun

The thesis aims to understand the dynamics behind the development of completely free public transport in France, amidst significant opposition from experts. Despite growing opposition from various transport interest groups and experts, the policy has been expanding to cover increasingly larger areas (Aubagne in 2009, Dunkirk in 2018, and Montpellier in 2023).

The research seeks to comprehend the experts’ opposition to free public transport and its consequences on both the defense and implementation of the policy. The methodology involves a detailed study of the local trajectories of free public transport in various cities (Montpellier, Paris, and Lyon). This includes extensive press reviews and grey literature analyses, followed by interviews with key actors involved in public policy-making.

This approach complements existing research on the effectiveness of free public transport, particularly studies conducted at LAET.

Other Activities


  • 2023-2024: Lecturer on Major Issues in Ecological Transition
    Presentation of thesis work and research methodology, guiding students through simulations of research method application (data collection and analysis).
  • 2023-2024: Teaching Assistant in Introduction to Social Sciences
    Supporting students in studying a scientific controversy (examining scientific production, argumentative dynamics, controversy timeline, and assisting with writing projects).
  • 2022-2023: Seminar on Internship Feedback at the National School of State Public Works
    Utilizing tools from Sociological Analysis of Organizations to critically analyze second-year engineering internships.

Research Diffusion

  • Totem Journal: Presentation of thesis reflections on free public transport.
  • Participation in various science dissemination and popularization events


  • 2022 –
    LAET – Public Works Engineer conducting doctoral research.
  • 2020 – 2022
    Sciences Po Grenoble – Diploma in Political Studies: Comparative Government Sciences, Administration, and Public Action.
  • 2019 – 2022
    Graduate School of Civil, Environmental and Urban Engineering – Engineering Diploma, Transport, and Mobility.